Full moon on Quebec city and Zodiac

Join the forces of the biggest tides, light of the Quebec city and interpretation of the full moon on quebec city in the same private tour !
16-17-18-19-20 May 9.30 pm
15-16-17-18-19 June 10 pm
14-15-16-17-18 July 10 pm
13-14-15-16-17 August 9.30 pm
12-13-14-15-16 September 8.30 pm
11-12-13-14-15 October 7.30 pm
Tarifs :
Private price : 95,00 $
Private price for children : 47,50 $
Discretionary tip
Departure :
2 hours after the sunset depend of your reservation
Duration :
2 hours of cruise
Boarding stations
No hidden fees
Please call for reservations in a time of less than 48 hours !